dim x, y, a#, b#
while true
glLoadIdentity ()
glTranslatef (0, 0, -16)
glRotatef (a#, 0, 1, 0)
for y = -5 to 5: for x = -5 to 5
glPushMatrix ()
glTranslatef (x * 3, y * 3, 0)
glBegin (GL_QUADS)
glColor3f (1, 0, 0): glVertex2f ( 1, 1)
glColor3f (0, 1, 0): glVertex2f (-1, 1)
glColor3f (0, 0, 1): glVertex2f (-1,-1)
glColor3f (1, 1, 1): glVertex2f ( 1,-1)
glEnd ()
glPopMatrix ()
Next: Next
glRotatef (a#, 1, 0, 0)
for y = -5 to 5: for x = -5 to 5
glPushMatrix ()
glTranslatef (x * 3, y * 3, 0)
glBegin (GL_QUADS)
glColor3f (1, 0, 0): glVertex2f ( 1, 1)
glColor3f (0, 1, 0): glVertex2f (-1, 1)
glColor3f (0, 0, 1): glVertex2f (-1,-1)
glColor3f (1, 1, 1): glVertex2f ( 1,-1)
glEnd ()
glPopMatrix ()
Next: Next
glRotatef (a#, 0, 0, 1)
for y = -5 to 5: for x = -5 to 5
glPushMatrix ()
glTranslatef (x * 3, y * 3, 0)
glBegin (GL_QUADS)
glColor3f (1, 0, 0): glVertex2f ( 1, 1)
glColor3f (0, 1, 0): glVertex2f (-1, 1)
glColor3f (0, 0, 1): glVertex2f (-1,-1)
glColor3f (1, 1, 1): glVertex2f ( 1,-1)
glEnd ()
glPopMatrix ()
Next: Next
SwapBuffers ()
while SyncTimer (10)
a# = a# + 0.9